Saturday, February 22, 2014

Citizen Kane

Rosebud... With a single word being uttered; a story considered the greatest film of all time begins. The first time I saw this film I was fourteen and already had a deep routed interest in film. So of course Citizen Kane was on my list of MUST see movies, and let me tell you I was ready for it I was waiting to see the movie of movies, the triumph t masterpiece it's self. So how did I feel when I actually saw it?.... Eh. I didn't get it I thought it was boring, I thought it was long winded, I didn't find it at all impressive. Sure the story was good but man did I walk away from this movie disappointed. But would you have it. I had the opportunity to see the movie again when I attended film school and having a clear understanding of film history up to that point, I realized that you know what? Yeah Citizen Kane is by far the greatest if not the most important film of all time. Why? Well let's start with the story and go from there.

The story begins oddly enough at the end. Our main character Charles Foster Kane, A newspaper Mogul and public figure in American culture has recently died with his last word being merely "rosebud".  Who is Rosebud? What is Rosebud? Was rosebud a lover? An object of some sort? The missing puzzle piece to the mystery that was Kane? Everyone wants to know, including the news. And so it's up to a single journalist to find out the hidden meaning of Rosebud. Through news reals, archived writings, friends and former lovers. The nameless journalist slowly pieces together the grand and rather tragic life of Charles Foster Kane.

If any one word could bet describe this story it's tragedy. And that's what this films is it's the American tragedy. The character of Kane is a man who desires greatness who desires to be loved so desperately that he will take what ever means necessary to achieve it. And by doing so he not only loses his morals but those who love him in the process. We see him through the people who knew him and whether it be a news reel or even his ex wife, nobody ever has a clear cut idea of who Kane really was or why he did what he did, and to me that's the greatest tragedy of all. That this man who everyone knew and to a certain extent loved even, could never was nothing more than a mystery.  If you've  taken any film history class then you'll know right off the bat that Kane was based on real life paper Mogul William Randolph Hurst, and that hurst was not too happy about the film, which ultimately lead to  Orson Welles' career imploding and most of the controversy that surrounded the film at the time.  I'm not going to ruin the ending for anybody on here, even though I'm sure e erroneous and their mother knows it, but let me tell you it's one of the best twist endings every and really just seals Kane and one of the most tragic characters of Cinema.

Cinematically the film is just visual eye candy. There's is not one angle,  not one lighting  fixture, not one visual affect that doesn't enhance the story or help tell it. If the first rule of film is to show emotion and not tell it, then this film is and example of perfect cinematography. I mean there are certain shots where Kane appears like a god looming over the other characters and in other he appears dwindled and weak.

And even further, there's the lighting where we will see Kane shrouded in darkness while others are in light as he makes promises he will never be able to keep.

And even further there's the use of age make up and full focus . my god look at this shot. By showing the mother in the foreground and young Kane playing through the window we immediately get a sense of what is on her mind as she basicley signs his life away. And the contrast of the boy frolicking to the foreground action is just another heartbreaking image.

Unfortunately in a lot of ways the film doesn't hold up and unless you're a major film buff your not going to understand the significance of the movie or why it's so good. But truth be told its not a more meant for everyone it's. a film that functions more lime manual for film makers rather than a movie you'll watch on a Friday niht with friends. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be watched or appreciated. Just that there needs to be a certain midst when watching. It. I enjoyed it and I hope you will too. 

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