Sunday, March 9, 2014

Singin' In the Rain


What is it that makes Singin' In The Rain so damn good? I've had the pleasure to view this picture numerous times and every time I find myself thinking "Delightful" and thats pretty much sums up Singin' in the Rain. It's an utterly Delightful movie. We good?  See you guys in the next review, byeeeee. 

Okay, maybe i should due more specific. Everything about this movie is just wonderful; from the music to the lighting, to the dancing, and acting. It's just a  fine example of a movie musical.  Why you ask? lets find out.
Don Lockwood, played by Gene Kelley, is a popular Hollywood actor in 1927.  He is in the midst of a major change in hollywood; the transition of silent films into talkies. the silent films quickly becoming  old news and his most recent film "The Dueling Cavalier" being a total disaster, due in part to technical difficulties with the recording devices and of course the horrendous speaking voice of LockWood's leading lady, Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen). With only Sic weeks till the premiere, Don schemes to turn the train wreck talkie into a movie musical title "The Dancing Cavalier). With the help of his best friend Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Conner), and a lovely struggling actress named Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds) the trio will lead a path of hilarity and melody the like soy which Hollywood has never seen.

Something that needs to be addressed right off the bat is the cast. By God do these people know how to perform. Gene Kelley is one of the greatest musical actors of all time and you can't help but just love every second that he's on camera. everything from his dancing, to is singing, to his delivery is all just spot on. His iconic performance in the rain scene is only made perfect by the way he interacts with the scenery. Donald O'Conner is just as funny taking a character that could easily be annoying and turned him into an utter riot. some of the best lines are given to him, and even though he plays the atypical "goofy side kick" he really makes it his own. you always get the idea that Cosmo is one step ahead of everybody and he's a lot smarter than he lets on. Debbie Reynolds is your typical good innocent woman  but she is jus so lovely and wonderful to watch act, you can help but love her. Together this trio i s dynamite. some of the best dance sequences I've ever seen are in the movie and i defy you to not want to join in during the "Good Mornin" Sequence. 

The most obvious thing to talk about when reviewing a musical is of course, the music. Song after song is just big and onto of that memorable. this is one of the few musicals where I can recall every song, and fondly at that. The title song is just a blast. an then you have these softer songs like "Beautiful Girls" where even though it's slow, its still portrayed in a way that is just grand and massive. which brings me to another point. If i had anything negative to say about this picture it would be the "Broadway Melody " sequence. yeah it's pretty and its wonderful and you just want to jump into it and be a part of it, but good lord is it long. There seemed to be a fad in the golden age of film where movie musicals would have extremely long and over the top sequences. Mary Poppins did it, and so did Bed Knobs and Broom Sticks. And to be honest i didn't like it then either. the seen in question is a movie within the movie as it details the story of a broadway actor's rid e to fame. From stepping off the bus in New York, to being Broadway sensation. I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't for the far that it just drags on. and when you think its over it just keeps on going. Seriously, there were a few times i felt like the movie was just screwing with me. the sequence is so long I had time to clean my apartment, and wash the dishes and sit back down only to find the sequence was just ending. Thats no exaggeration either. 

If i had to to choose something that is by far my favorite part of this film it has to be the use of color. MAN does this thing pop out at you. the use of colors in the film just makes the whole thing feel alive and vibrant and just full of joy.  I know that sounds silly but Check this out!

That is gorgeous! And its not just that shot either. The use of color just makes this movie seem other worldly. and only amplifies the silliness of the characters, and all together justifies the silliness itself. 

You can just feel the passion put into this movie.  Everything is great. The music is great, the jokes are great, the dancing is great, the acting is great, even the editing is great. the whole movie is so fantastic its hard to not just want to smile when you se it. The story while not too complicated is just a big ball of fun. the characters are seldom put in serious harm and when they come across a conflict that upsets them there is always some sort of background joke to keep the tension light. You just get this feeling that everybody on the set had a blast making this movie and it really shines through. watching it I will get flashbacks to when I performed in theatre and the camaraderie and joy all the actors had and thats sort of what I get when I see this picture. 

It's considered one of  the greatest musical movies of all time for a reason; one of my favorites, and it should be yours too.

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