Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Grapes of Wrath

So yeah Grapes of Wrath was always one of those films i had heard about since i was a kid. "oh you have to see it" "its a really important story"  " it's so sad" "READ THE BOOK FIRST" and let me feel when you're a kid and you have no interest in reading.  THIS

is the last thing you want to read. but okay I'm an adult now; and might a say a big fan of literature an film, so i gave the movie a shot, and is it really a surprised that i loved it? here's the Grapes of Wrath.

set during the dust bowl of the 1920's " The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of  the Joad family as they are forced to under take an exodus from their former home to migrant work in California. the events unfold through the eyes of Todd the family's older son who recently returned from a prison sentencing. along the way The family undergoes series hardships as their old run down truck drags them down Route 66. From discrimination. to living in migrant camps, to even facing death among their numbers. the Joad family must continue onward in hopes of finding their place in the sun. 

films like this truly amaze me. I've gone on before about how certain ills act as documents to import moments in history, and this one is no different. every second of this film breathes the authenticity and sheer tragedy that was the south during the great depression. you genuinely feel for this family as they struggle to just stay alive. and when one of them passes away you just want to break down for them but they keep on going and then when people treat them less than human you want to stand up for them but AGAIN they keep on going. each and every member of the Joads holds their own in the dark chapter of their lives. 

the film in a lot of ways reminds  me of Schindler's List.. not so much in the raw intensity of the story, even though it can be a very intense story. no, its similar more in the way everything is presented. the plot tends to let someone else take the wheel for a bit. and it is there that we get to see the golden moments of this film. these, sort of day in the life, moments that present what it must have been like to be there/ you see the people affected by this , you see how they are willing to fight and nearly kill for one little shred of dignity. you see what happens when all dignity is lost and they are willing to give up so much for one more day of life. 

one of the finest characters in the film is Todd himself. who after missing so much of his family is obligated to lead them to the promised land. every step of the way his past catches up with him and yet he is always determined to lead his family to better land. almost making him a Val Jean/ Moses type. he's a man in search of purpose and when he sees what has happen dot the people he loves and too other people like him he gets this intense urge to fight for the salvation of the migrant worker.  i just love character sleek this.

in truth it is a long film maybe too long for some people. but let me tell you here is a genuine charm to a movie like this is really does get to you and i assure you you will love this family as much as i have.

Some Like It Hot.

I have a question for all of you. does anyone remember when this
was considered sexy? I don't because I'm twenty four years old and this was a had a century ago but regardless when did this fall out of favor? maybe i'm getting off track this is "Some like it Hot.

Set in the 1920's, Some Like it Hot follows the lives of Joe and Jerry, two Jazz musicians who became witnesses to a mob hit and are now on the run. alone the way the two find out about an all woman jazz band bound for Florida, so of course they decide to dress up like women and tag along. Joe who is well known as a womanizer falls in love with the bands singer, Sugar. While Jerry is being stalked by a dirty millionaire. through a series of whacky  miss adventures the two ultimately must come face to face with the very thing they were running from. can they make it out alive?

i'm always skeptical when seeing a classic comedy for the first time because i'm fearful that modern humor won't allow me to understand and appreciate the old fashioned jokes and comedy. But with this one i found myself laughing more and more than i would at most comedies of today's standards. theres this rich chemistry between the characters. the two leads  develop some great bro banter in a pre bro era. Marylin in all her glory delivers a wonderful female lead role. hell even the side characters bring some unique  brands of humor to this movie. i suppose it's sup rising to see a movie about two guys dressing up as women in order to coneil themselves from a dangerous threat be successful considering… well…

yeah that's not a joke i swear to god White Chicks ripped off this film to the T. i think the cross dressing story is just something that can be hit and miss because you really have to have actors comfortable enough to play the role uncomfortably. but hey that's where this movie hits the mark spot on. you just love seeing these guys squirm with the fact that guys are all over them and that they now can't live the play boy life style sthey desired;

ohhh Marilyn. considere dby many today to be the ultimate sex symbol. Marilyn Monroe was an actress who was able to bring a level of beauty as well as talent to her craft. not to mention some of greatest instances of wisdom uttered by an individual. no seriously go check out some of her quotes they are by far the most profound things you'll read.  despite the controversy surrounding her real life. What she brought tho her work was hypnotic and endearing. 

And that's " Some Like it Hot" it's definitely one of the great slap stick movies. something worth taking a look at check it out. I liked it i hope you will.